Friday, November 23

Dank Logo


Anonymous said...

that is a sweet logo!

Ange said...

This is sooooo sweet! I love it! How can I center it in the image area of my blog title though? Or can you make it a little wider so it fills in the top section? Is that possible?
This is the greatest present any husband can give a wife!!!

tal said...


Emily Schlicter said...

oh yes, i am a proud owner of multiple pairs of glasses. i'm sure you'll see them, soon! :)

sunshine said...

rilo: hey wernt emily and i the ones who were like 'sweet logo' how do you make those, and then you showed us?
jay: uh [jay-like-laugh], ya!
rilo: so why does ange get one first?
jay: well... uh, no comment.
rilo: i see how it is. [she shakes her head]
