Wednesday, April 1

UCSD Sends Acceptance E-mails To The Wrong List

UC San Diego made a rather large mistake, yesterday. Last month, about 17,000 students were accepted to the university, including Nicole Nimehla and Bri Eastman (I'm pretty sure this is not changing), denying 29,000 San Diego hopefuls. However, the university's communication department accidentally sent an e-mail to all 46,377 applicants, yesterday, congratulating them on their admission to UCSD. About a half-an-hour later, the University realized its mistake, and immediately sent a second e-mail, apologizing to the 29,889 applicants who thought they had been admitted.


Emily Schlicter said...

Bri Eastman didn't make the cut, but Brea Eastman sure did!

Janelle Kelly said...

But I don't know what UCSD is