Wednesday, March 12

Time Person Of The Year

It's generally viewed that being named Time Person Of The Year is a dignified, well-respected honor. But, few know that communist dictator Joseph Stalin was named Time Man Of The Year not once, but twice.

Even Hitler won in 1938. His issue is the only one not to picture the person selected on the cover. I can't believe that a well-known magazine, like Time, would honor somebody who killed millions of innocent people. I'm just a little bit mad.

Here are some of my favorite issues.

That's right! I've been named 2006 Time Person Of The Year!

This issue is titled 1966 Time People Of The Year: The Generation Twenty-Five And Under, referring to the Baby Boomers

1993 Time People Of The Year: The Peacemakers, Yasser Arafat, F.W. de Klerk, Nelson Mandela, and Yitzhak Rabin

1 comment:

Janelle Kelly said...

i really like how i helped you edit this and gave you the idea for the blog.
love you little sista! MuAhHh <3
k thanks bye