The RESCUE is this Saturday, April 25. If you don't know what I'm talking about, Joseph Kony has been using child soldiers to destory Uganda for over 15 years, and we're stopping it.
If you're in Orange County:
Meet at the OC Fairgrounds Gate 4 at 3:00 pm. From there, everyone will be walking around Costa Mesa and returning back to the Fairgrounds, staying overnight. Parking is $5 at the Fairgrounds. You will wait there until you are rescued by one politician, one celebrity, and, most importantly, one media member who will be getting the message out. Among the expected politicians and celebrities includes Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Congress reps (i.e. Linda Sanchez, Dana Rohrabacher, etc.), Ben McKenzie, Pete Carroll, Matt Costa, and others.
Map: Check It Out

If you're in Seattle:
Meet at Denny Park on the corner of Denny Way and Dexter Ave. at 3:00 pm. From there, everyone will be walking past the Space Needle to Myrtle Edwards Park. You will wait there until you are rescued by one politician, one celebrity, and, most importantly, one media member who will be getting the message out. Among the expected politicians and celebrities includes Senator Maria Cantwell, Senator Patty Murray, Congress reps (i.e. Jim McDermott, Adam Smith, etc.), Mayor Greg Nickels, Bill and Melinda Gates, Ben Gibbard, Howard Schultz, Matt Hasselback, and others.
Map: Check It Out

If you're in Los Angeles:
Meet at Beach Park #1, 2600 Barnard Way (Just down the beach from the pier). From there, everyone will be walking to Santa Monica City Hal until you are rescued by one politician, one celebrity, and, most importantly, one media member who will be getting the message out. Among the expected politicians and celebrities includes Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Congress reps (i.e Diane E. Watson, Brad Sherman, Howard Berman, etc.) Kristen Bell, Kirsten Dunst, Peter Eichstaedt, and others.
Map: Check It Out

The hope is that the message will get out. On the way to our final destinations we will be writing our local politicians. Secondly, when the celebrities and politicians come to the final destinations, the media will come to. In effect, the message will finally get into the mass media. People will know about it and demand change. I'm excited and you should be, too. Pray about it, bring your friends, get involved, bring your mom, bring your ukulele, help out.

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