Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! The last few months have been ridiculous! In September, I packed everything I have into two bags and moved to Seattle as a student at the University of Washington. At school, I have been involved with Christian apologetics, psychology research, and the college ministry at Mars Hill Church, my local church.
As part of a team of about 10 people, I will be traversing to India in July of 2009. India is large country in South Asia. This culturally diverse country is home to about a billion people and the world's highest mountain range, the Himalayas.
This missions trip is part of what is known as the P.E.A.C.E. plan, an outreach effort to attack the “five global giants.” They include spiritual emptiness, corrupt leadership, poverty, disease, and illiteracy. This initiative was created to:
P - Promote Reconciliation
E - Equip Leaders
A - Assist The Poor
C - Care For The Sick
E - Educate The Next Generation
Our main goal is to share the love of Christ with the people of India. Our team will be working with churches, visiting orphanages and slum areas, and, possibly, meeting some members of local cults.
There are two ways in which you can be of great assistance. First, PRAY! Pray that we will keep our ears open to what the Lord has called us to do. Also, pray that the team will be God’s ambassadors and honor him with our thoughts, deeds, actions, and words while we are in India. As bond servants to the Lord, pray that we would be a united group with one goal: to love God and to love others.
A second way that you can help is through financial support. All support goes directly towards the funds of the trip, and no where else. The trip is an estimated $3014. Any support would be greatly appreciated. Obviously, this is a substantial amount, but I put my trust in God who transcends money; I know that he will provide for my needs. Please realize that this money is going to be used to share the love and Good News of Jesus Christ with the people of India.
If God leads you to give something financially, small or large, please make it payable to Saddleback Church. Do not include my name in the memo area; in this way, it will be tax deductible. Please send your contributions in an enclosed envelope to my address (e-mail me for my address: Once given to me, I will deliver it directly to the church. I must raise $300 by March 8, an additional $1800 by May 1st, and, finally, $950 by June 1.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to telling you about the many things that God will have done on my trip to India. May God bless you with His extravagant love.
Jay Kelly
E-mail me for my address and more specific information at

I am so excited!
Before you send out letters, fix these! 1. India is in South Asia, not Southeast 2. Cult is not spelled "colt" 3. "As bondED servants to the Lord..."
Also: mention where you're going!
but i loved it.
but i'll give you a million bucks.
india- will be so great!
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