Shortened named for Urban Outfitters
The third planet from the sun.
She's every man's dream, she's God's giff to Urf
A command meaning look it up on urban dictionary.
Urine Balls
That nasty collection of plastic balls at the playgrounds of fast food restaurants across this great country of ours. Those balls aren't wet because it rained, it's because some kid peed in the play structure.
Child: “Mom, can I go play? I’m done with my happy meal.”
Mom: “Yes, just be sure to stay out of the urine balls.”
Uretha Franklin
A really good female soul singer with a really funny first name; her parents were either really sadistic or just not thinking when they named her.
I love that scene from The Blues Brothers when Urethra Franklin starts singing and dancing in the diner
A urbanspoon happens when you are walking downtown or in the city and your significant other comes up behind you and holds you/gives you a hug from behind.
Dude, They just totally urbanspooned.

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