Thursday, January 17

Winter Formal

Emily and I are unsure of what we want to wear for winter formal. We've been talking; Here is what we have come up with:

A Traditional Amish Fashion

"She Is Beastly" -Emily

We Will Be Stared At All Night

Afro Crazy Woman

Napoleon Dynamite Styles It

Text 1-800-FOR-MAL to vote for your favourite winter formal wardrobe!

Wednesday, January 16


Bono uses this term, a "glass heart." That would be really cool to have. God could be the hammer.

Monday, January 7

An Indie Person

What is unconscionable to me is that an atheist, the most helpless, hopeless person to breath life, can live his life as if everyday was a step forward for him. Further, what my mind cannot seem to come close to is the fact that an atheist can hang out and spend time with someone filled with life and peace, and somehow resist not taking a bite. How is the holy spirit not that contagious? Although it makes near no sense, I almost think that believing in some faith is better than believing in none, even if one thinks it is completely false. As an atheist, there is no point to one’s existence. You are just another dot on the map. You will live, go through school, smile, poop, make money, spend money, have ideas, try them, have pleasures, have pains, and then your life will end, the latter, according to them, in a state of literal disappearance. But, it is a paradox and, worse, a hoax, a lie, to live as though believing something, yet not really doing so.

I could half-way understand why someone would be an atheist. It takes a hard heart, some sort of outside attention, such as a reputation as being against the idea of God (so extreme now-a-days; or is it the other way around?), or an abuse or neglect of any kind that could cause any lonely heart to ask the question, “Why would such a good God do this (and worse of all) to me?” There is so much science out there that in some cases proves the absence of a God, and some that proves otherwise- all none conclusive and highly debatable.

My simple impression is that I know people who are godless, which, in my mind, is a paradox to the nature of humanity. How sad is the man with no God. Emmanuel no more. What is there to live for? What is the point?

Saturday, January 5

Nancy Reed?

Ange, we need to do an old school Mexico Reunion. We can reminisce about van names, how all of the male leaders had that "man up" meeting, Al Charazi (I mean, come on), talk about that kid who wore that stupid mask and danced on stage, sing K-not To Us a 1000 times, When Jesus In My Boat?, Logan J. and I can remember the times we shared on Love Rock, affirmations? and so much more.

Wednesday, January 2

Inside AND Out

81 Days Until Argentina!