Friday, August 31

Prius- More like PRE-VI-OUS

My new car. Suck it!

Thursday, August 30



Test Drive

Recycling Ministry
August 30, 2007

Utilizing the resources that the recycling ministry has to yield, persons who are interested in a particular cause can take 4 simple steps to show compassion and mercy. If you’ve got a heart for something but don’t know how to exactly get there, you’ll get there!

To break down how this resource works, we will use Ryan, a high school student who wants to help impoverished persons in Uganda.

1. Realization
Ryan learns of the unfortunate plight of these forgotten people. He discovers not only of the situation, but hard facts and figures.

2. Reaction
Ryan sees that he has a “passion” for these people. Simply put, this kind of passion is a sense of duty, an intimate sympathy, and a positive anger- If someone doesn’t do something, I will. The latter part to this step involves discovering various methods of actually DOING SOMETHING. Though many equally effective ways in fighting poverty abide and exist, Ryan wants to utilize the tools the recycling ministry has to offer.

3. Response
Ryan is then put into the game! Utilizing resources like “Hot Spots,” a frequently updated list of events and activities that produce mass numbers of accepted recyclables, “Groupies,” HSM students who love digging threw trash cans, and “The Goods,” safety and collecting materials, such as, trash bags and gloves, Ryan can collect recyclables ‘til he drops. Also, he can choose to fly solo, or invite the entire gang. It is encouraged to own the experience and have fun.

4. Reaching Out
The biggest step! Ryan takes the recyclables to a collection facility, and collects the treasure (cash). With the help of the recycling ministry, the group decides upon the most effective, mindful, and practical way of dispersing the proceeds.

So, there you have it, the fat lady has sung, and peoples’ live are being changed. Consider the fact that God is not interested in the process, but the attitude. If you have any questions, contact the recycling ministry.

Wednesday, August 29

I Looked Up In San Francisco

I have this silly romance for the city. The cable car rings. Fog sleeps past me. Little Italy. Chinatown. Humble people strumming along on their steel guitars. I lay on the grass and look up to a bridge worth gold. The City By The Bay is where my little heart beats 17 years of joy.

I left my heart in San Francisco, high on a hill it calls to me. To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars.
T. Bennet

Lombard Street,

Monday, August 20

I am Optimus Prime

OPTIMUS PRIME">Take the Transformers Quiz


Make An Enemy For Life

Care enough about something to make someone mad. An enemy helps you define yourself. As Schopenhauer said, "We can come to look upon the deaths of our enemies with as much regret as we feel for those of our friends, namely, when we miss their existence as witnesses to our success."

Little And Slight Smiles

Funny Things To Do

Have a Pop Star- A mix of Pop Rocks and a Rock Star

Record in a shower because "the reverb sounds sick!"
Fart as much as you can during service and see what the people around you do

Great another person not with a hand shake, but with touching each other's eye jelly
Let pedestrians know who's boss